Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Planned Parenthood Service Learning Project

The Service Learning Project we did was to inform others of the situation Planned Parenthood faced with their funding being cut. We set up a station at Anthony's Restaurant with flyers and handouts that talked about planned Parenthood. We described what Planned Parenthood services were and how the state funding was used. Many people had the same misconceptions about Planned Parenthood as we did. We set up a computer to allow people to sign petitions and donate for the cause. We learned what others thought surrounding the issue. A majority of the people agreed that Planned Parenthood should not be cut due to the immense consequences it would cause for underprivileged women.

Gina Reflection: I felt good about informing others of the situation Planned Parenthood was in, especially since many people did not know the facts surrounding this issue. There were many misconceptions about what the services were provided and once we talked to people about the services they were more open to helping out and signing petitions. This service learning project could not be done by elementary school students but I do think service learning projects would be helpful for a hands on learning experience. The project would have to be age appropriate and something the students would be interested in. I learned a lot about the controversy around Planned Parenthood and am glad I chose this project.

Kali Reflection: I really enjoyed spending time researching such an important topic and then being able to educate others about the issue. I feel that Planned Parenthood's efforts are widely misunderstood and so it was nice to be able to support them and gain support from others. I do think that service learning is a useful teaching strategy because it not only gives us the opportunity to educate ourselves about important topics but it also gets students actively involved in the topic. It is also a good teaching strategy because the groups in the class can then educate others about their topics and service learning projects rather than listening to a teacher lecture. I definitely would do a project like this in the future with my students, however with a topic that would be more age appropriate and relatable. I would hope to try to do projects like this early in my teaching career because I think it is a better way to teach students about important issues. I do not think that I would change this project because I not only learned a lot about my topic and had an opportunity to get involved but also learned a lot about other important topics.

Amanda's Reflection: I enjoyed working with my peers to inform the public about Planned Parenthood.      It was so interesting to learn that people in society form opinions over situations they aren't actually aware about. It seemed as though most people were pro PPH budget cuts until they were informed about all of the positive things that Planned Parenthood provides for our women and families. At Anthony's restaurant, we set up a table and handed out informative pamphlets that were sent to us by PPH themselves. I felt this was beneficial because it allowed us to get out there and educate and feel a part of something bigger than ourselves. Service Learning projects are an effecting teaching strategy and I plan to have my students participate in one in the future, age appropriate and grade level appropriate. It not only encourages learning, it encourages social interaction and taking action in social issues. I learned a lot from doing this Service Learning project and I intend to continue educating society about this matter until its resolved.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Final Blog and Reflections

Kali: Since starting this current event blog I have learned so much about Planned Parenthood and the issues of cutting funding to them and other family planning organizations. When most people think of Planned Parenthood, their minds immediately go to abortions however, the foundation does so much more than that. Most of the services provided go to low income women for regular women’s health care and most people are unaware that funding does not cover abortions. Though the United States is facing an enormous amount of debt, withdrawing the $300 million from Planned Parenthood will do little to alleviate the debt and do more to hurt those who rely on their services. For this reason I am against Title X which would withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood and other similar organizations. Though this particular issue may be a little bit too advanced for an elementary school, I think it could relate to women’s rights. At the same time that they are trying to withdraw funding, there is also a bill trying to give employers the right to control women’s access to birth control. Officials at the state and federal level as well as employers should not be able to control these aspects of women’s health. I think that these ideas can relate to women’s struggle for equality throughout history without getting into the details of the Planned Parenthood controversy.

Gina: I have learned a lot since I started blogging at Planned Parenthood. I did not realize how many people relied on the services provided. Like many others I thought Planned Parenthood was limited to a few services and I thought mainly they provided abortions for women. I myself am against abortions and would not personally support this group if it was mainly for that purpose. I have learned the great things this group does with normal women's health check ups and cancer screening. They provide the physical and emotional support that many people would not get other wise. I think it is important to inform people that none of the government funding is going towards any abortion. People need to be informed on this matter before they can choice a side. I do not think this topic could be used in any sort of way for elementary students. I think they could grasp the concept of rights and beliefs and how they may have different opinions about a law more suitable for their age group. 

Though we were originally planning on creating a binder of contacts, our group has decided instead to do a service learning project. At the beginning of the semester we were all very unsure of what the issue surrounding Planned Parenthood was but we have all become very interested in the issue. We have contacted Planned Parenthood and will be volunteering our time to help out the foundation. Though we will be volunteering our time to the foundation, Planned Parenthood offers many options for everyone to get involved such as signing letters, signing up for emails, or donating small contributions. By us spreading the word about the real issues surrounding Planned Parenthood we will feel good that we are informing others about the issue and hopefully they will join us to spread the word on how this foundation needs to be funded for women to receive such basic health care.

Since the issues surrounding Planned Parenthood are very controversial and slightly mature for an elementary school lesson, we could connect this to another bill. Bill arise all the time that are controversial yet more appropriate for a younger age, so students could choose something that they felt strongly for or against.This connects to the picture above that states "Every human has the right to choose whats right for them". Laws are passed and bills are proposed all the time that either promote rights or deny them and students could look at something that they felt was important. This could be connected to a unit on government, while students are learning about bills and laws they could look more closely at current controversial bills.   Students could write letters or sign petitions showing their support for or against a given bill. Students could choose the topic, allowing them freedom and ensuring they would be interested in the subject. Students could also have freedom to choose the action that they take and work with a group to create an effective project. Integrating a service learning project that revolves around bills and laws while teaching students about bills and law will give them good insights into the bill process and how citizens can fight against or promote bills.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blog 3 - Kali

            For taking action I chose to send two letters to officials about the issues surrounding Planned Parenthood. The first letter was proposed by Planned Parenthood but actually was not focused on the funding issue. Recently there have been attempts to allow employers to deny birth control coverage for women so I signed a letter to a state representative in opposition to these bills. The second letter that I signed was sent to the Susan G. Komen fund demanding that they put women’s healthcare before politics since they have pulled all funding from Planned Parenthood a few weeks ago. The foundation has been in support of Planned Parenthood, especially of them doing breast exams, but with recent attacks on Planned Parenthood the Komen fund withdrew their funding. I feel very strongly about these issues so it felt really good to contribute to the cause and let someone know how I felt. The more people that take action, the better chance we have at fighting these efforts to cut funding and limit birth control. Many of the efforts against Planned Parenthood are coming from Republican officials, so in taking action against them I was connecting with my democratic values.
As far as social justice in education is concerned, I feel that it is extremely important to teach and to expose students to the different issues affecting our country. The quote, “Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history… Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and hold a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies” captures the importance of teaching social justice. If students are sheltered from social justice they will never be able to see the reality of the world, and the classroom is a great place to discuss these issues. However, the topic of Planned Parenthood might be a little bit too mature for elementary students but there may be other ways to discuss the issue without going into the details of the services. If we inform our students about the pros and cons of the issues that we face, they will be able to make their own decisions and therefore create a better and more informed public.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog 3

The issue of funding for Planned Parenthood has two clearly defined sides. Those for cutting funding are concerned about the massive amount of debt that the country is in right now. By cutting funding to Planned Parenthood the country would be saving over $300 million, however this does not compare to the trillions we face in debt. Those against cutting funding are concerned that low income women will not have a place to turn for regular women's health services. Women all over the country who cannot afford to go to a gynecologist will be left with no women's healthcare. When looking at this issue from an educational standpoint, you must understand the facts before you can take a side or take action. The services that Planned Parenthood provide as well as their history in women's health services would be informational knowledge. On the other side of the issue, you would need to be aware of the enormity of the debt that the United States is facing as well as other factors that contribute to the debt. Knowing all of this information will allow people to make informed decisions on the issue.
If we were to teach about this subject, it would be important to make sure all of the concepts were clear. We would have to discuss the concepts based on the two different perspectives on the issue. The concepts that deal with those against cutting funding would be Planned Parenthood, other similar organizations, women's healthcare, abortions, low income women and so on. The concepts on the opposing side would be the United States debt, anti-choice, Title X and so on. It is our goal through this blog to inform people about the issue of cutting funding to Planned Parenthood so that they can make their own informed decision. Discussing the concepts and showing both sides to the issue is the best way to inform people about the issue so they can decide where they stand.

As part of our research we will be creating a list of contacts related to the issue. Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy deals with education on preventing teen pregnancy. They work as an organization to ensure that state policies and local programs are effectively addressing the complex issues associated with teen pregnancy. They hold all different events from education teens on pregnancy and offering support to young parents. The organization works with many different places such as Teen Outreach Program, and Youth First. At these events would be a good place to let people know what is going on with Planned Parenthood funding and hopefully can gain the support of these organizations to try and get funding back for Planned Parenthood.
Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy
105 Chauncy Street, 8th Floor
BostonMA 02111

Planned Parenthood itself offers volunteer work.  Volunteer work involves being an educator, raising money, and more. 
1055 Commonwealth Avenue
BostonMA 02215
p: 800.258.4448

Gina: I think we would be able to do a petition to have people sign for the government to reinstate the funding. These events that Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy hold would be a perfect place to go for signatures. Also, we could ask people to go on this website and take action Petition Online.  I did fill out this petition and it felt good to support an organization where so many people benefit from their services. I would feel even better if I could have many people fill out the form and turn it in and if funding was changed I would feel like I helped change it and accomplished something. I think education is for the public good. People need to learn about the issues going on in the world so they can take a stand for or against something or maybe even just stand neutral but at least they would know about the topic. Before I chose this topic, I really did not know much about it and now I feel really informed. 

Amanda: It became clear to me quite early in my service learning project that the biggest issue surrounding the Planned Parenthood Program may be the lack of education about the establishment. It seems several individuals, including myself are unaware of the establishments current budget struggles and what they stand for as a place in general. It is my personal goal to try and formulate a series of contact information to make more information publicly attainable. Along with Gina, and Kali, we plan to focus on different areas of Planned Parenthood and each develop a list of contacts in which we will post on our blog for our audience to share and spread the word with their peers.  My group and I have made small financial contributions to the Planned Parenthood program, and if you too are interested in taking action, follow the link provided Donate! Planned Parenthood 
Or, if you would simply like to get involved and take action in a more verbal and hands on way more information is available Get Involved

Kali: For taking action I chose to send two letters to officials about the issues surrounding Planned Parenthood. The first letter was proposed by Planned Parenthood but actually was not focused on the funding issue. Recently there have been attempts to allow employers to deny birth control coverage for women so I signed a letter to a state representative in opposition to these bills. The second letter that I signed was sent to the Susan G. Komen fund demanding that they put women’s healthcare before politics since they have pulled all funding from Planned Parenthood a few weeks ago. The foundation has been in support of Planned Parenthood, especially of them doing breast exams, but with recent attacks on Planned Parenthood the Komen fund withdrew their funding. I feel very strongly about these issues so it felt really good to contribute to the cause and let someone know how I felt. The more people that take action, the better chance we have at fighting these efforts to cut funding and limit birth control. Many of the efforts against Planned Parenthood are coming from Republican officials, so in taking action against them I was connecting with my democratic values.
As far as social justice in education is concerned, I feel that it is extremely important to teach and to expose students to the different issues affecting our country. The quote, “Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history… Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and hold a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies” captures the importance of teaching social justice. If students are sheltered from social justice they will never be able to see the reality of the world, and the classroom is a great place to discuss these issues. However, the topic of Planned Parenthood might be a little bit too mature for elementary students but there may be other ways to discuss the issue without going into the details of the services. If we inform our students about the pros and cons of the issues that we face, they will be able to make their own decisions and therefore create a better and more informed public.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Interview on PPF

Interview on PPF
This interview was with Caitlin, a graduate from Plymouth State in 2011. She is currently a full time employee of Partners Health Care.

Q:Before I tell you what Planned Parenthood does, what do you know about the service?
A: Well I know they do checkups and supply people with using protection. I think they do a lot of abortions that are not planned.

(After I explained what Planned Parenthood services include)

Q:What do you think a reason would be that Planned Parenthood was cut from the government funding them? Any advantages?
A: I think it might be because of the budget deficit the United States faces today.

Q: What are your thoughts about the program? Do you think they should be cut from funding?
A: No, I do not think it should be cut from funding because it deals with helping people who may not be able to afford such services otherwise. Healthcare can be expensive and not everyone has it but they should be entitled to health services.

Q: Do you think the policy can be improved or should it be replaces?
A: I think it shouldn't be cut. This banned should be removed and the government should realize all the people they are affected. These people depend on the program and can prevent so many things from pregnancy to cancers.

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ <-- great for looking at what services are included.

This picture below is my friend Caitlin and my son when he was born.

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about Planned Parenthood is what their services include. During my interview, I told Caitlin about the many different services such as counseling about gender issues and body images. She was unaware Planned Parenthood offered these services. She thought this was very important in helping so many young people that were struggling with their looks and orientation. Once people are aware of what is going on with an issue then they can make an informed decision and if they are really passion about it they can take a stand for or against it. There are so many people that are affected by the funding cut and mostly people who come from poor situations where they will not be able to receive these services anywhere else. There needs to be a change to help these people that depend on the services. There life depends on these routine checkups and screenings. PPH is preventing so much more than what people typically think about when they hear the name. They are actually preventing cancers, and potential suicides by offering the counseling services. Also, they are not only helping women but men also.

Interview on PPH

Problem: Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood
Interviewee: Lindsay, student
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
Yes, they should keep the funding because it is important that everyone receive proper healthcare. If you don’t have the money or insurance plan that will cover STD testing or mammograms then you face a risk of becoming even sicker. 
Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?
Yes. We’re all students who do not have a lot of money. If we don’t want to go through our parents then we can go to Planned Parenthood to receive testing to make sure we are healthy.
What are advantages of this policy?
There are none. This policy will make it more difficult for women to receive proper health care with no advantages. 
What are disadvantages of this policy?
Women will not be able to receive discounted or free health services that are necessary and Planned Parenthood will not have proper funding to run their clinics. 
How might the policy be improved?
The policy cannot be improved.
Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
Yes, this policy should not exist. Budgets can be cut in other places to reduce the debt that will not have a negative effect on millions of people. 
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
Planned Parenthood will have information on the opposing side and there is probably a lot more information online about the supporting and opposing sides. 
Ever since I chose this topic, I have noticed that not many people are aware of the issue and the efforts to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. I interviewed Lindsay, a student at Salem State University, who also did not know about the issue. Although all women do not go to Planned Parenthood for women’s services, I think it is strange that the issue is not more popular. Planned Parenthood is a place to get information and services whether it is a first resort or a backup and women everywhere should be aware that funding is under threat. As Lindsay pointed out, Planned Parenthood is a good option for women at school that are away from their regular doctors or do not want to go through their parents’ insurance. She also pointed out that rather than take money away from a service that provides women’s healthcare, we should look for an alternative to help reduce the debt. Though I did not interview her, I did also discuss the issue with my mother. I specifically discussed the fact that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has stopped supporting Planned Parenthood. My mom has always supported breast cancer research however, after hearing that Komen for the Cure will no longer support Planned Parenthood she has decided that she will no longer donate to that foundation. I agree with this decision and hope that others will become aware of the issue and that we can find away to continue to support Planned Parenthood and reduce the debt in other ways.

Interviews about Planned Parenthood

I chose to interview a friend of mine, Jessica Dragon, because I wanted to see what the average adult currently knew about Planned Parenthood and the cuts in funding. Jessica is 30 years old, low/average income, and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. The interview went as follows:

Can you tell me what you already know about planned parenthood?
- I have heard of PPH before, but I am not sure what its actual purpose is. If I had to guess I would believe it was a clinic where couples struggling to get pregnant would go to conceive.

After noting the participant was unaware, I allowed her to briefly read about the issues on our blog and continued my questioning

Do you now believe that Planned Parenthood is beneficial and deserves funding? Why?
-I think its important because otherwise these low income families would have no other alternative for treatments.

What are the advantages of the PPH Program?
-It gives support to women who cant afford healthcare otherwise and routine health checks.

What are the disadvantages?
-I think it is possibly costing the taxpayers too much money.

What would you change about the PPH funding to improve it?
-Instead of using government tax money, make it a non-profit organization.

Do you know where you can get more information on this policy and funding?
-I have not heard much about it but I assume if I wanted to find information, its available on the internet.

What do you think is the first step to helping PPH Funding?
-A lot of people don't know about it like me. I had no idea what it was until I read your blog but I think it is important to the low income women and we need to start spreading the word and making people aware.

In interviewing Jessica, I am starting to become more aware that the issue may not lie in the policy or funding, but rather the fact that the people are not educated about this matter. We can not make positive change, let alone any change if we are not educated. My focus after this interview may shift towards educating people about this program and the importance.