Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Interview on PPF

Interview on PPF
This interview was with Caitlin, a graduate from Plymouth State in 2011. She is currently a full time employee of Partners Health Care.

Q:Before I tell you what Planned Parenthood does, what do you know about the service?
A: Well I know they do checkups and supply people with using protection. I think they do a lot of abortions that are not planned.

(After I explained what Planned Parenthood services include)

Q:What do you think a reason would be that Planned Parenthood was cut from the government funding them? Any advantages?
A: I think it might be because of the budget deficit the United States faces today.

Q: What are your thoughts about the program? Do you think they should be cut from funding?
A: No, I do not think it should be cut from funding because it deals with helping people who may not be able to afford such services otherwise. Healthcare can be expensive and not everyone has it but they should be entitled to health services.

Q: Do you think the policy can be improved or should it be replaces?
A: I think it shouldn't be cut. This banned should be removed and the government should realize all the people they are affected. These people depend on the program and can prevent so many things from pregnancy to cancers.

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ <-- great for looking at what services are included.

This picture below is my friend Caitlin and my son when he was born.

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about Planned Parenthood is what their services include. During my interview, I told Caitlin about the many different services such as counseling about gender issues and body images. She was unaware Planned Parenthood offered these services. She thought this was very important in helping so many young people that were struggling with their looks and orientation. Once people are aware of what is going on with an issue then they can make an informed decision and if they are really passion about it they can take a stand for or against it. There are so many people that are affected by the funding cut and mostly people who come from poor situations where they will not be able to receive these services anywhere else. There needs to be a change to help these people that depend on the services. There life depends on these routine checkups and screenings. PPH is preventing so much more than what people typically think about when they hear the name. They are actually preventing cancers, and potential suicides by offering the counseling services. Also, they are not only helping women but men also.

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