Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Interview on PPH

Problem: Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood
Interviewee: Lindsay, student
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
Yes, they should keep the funding because it is important that everyone receive proper healthcare. If you don’t have the money or insurance plan that will cover STD testing or mammograms then you face a risk of becoming even sicker. 
Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?
Yes. We’re all students who do not have a lot of money. If we don’t want to go through our parents then we can go to Planned Parenthood to receive testing to make sure we are healthy.
What are advantages of this policy?
There are none. This policy will make it more difficult for women to receive proper health care with no advantages. 
What are disadvantages of this policy?
Women will not be able to receive discounted or free health services that are necessary and Planned Parenthood will not have proper funding to run their clinics. 
How might the policy be improved?
The policy cannot be improved.
Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
Yes, this policy should not exist. Budgets can be cut in other places to reduce the debt that will not have a negative effect on millions of people. 
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
Planned Parenthood will have information on the opposing side and there is probably a lot more information online about the supporting and opposing sides. 
Ever since I chose this topic, I have noticed that not many people are aware of the issue and the efforts to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. I interviewed Lindsay, a student at Salem State University, who also did not know about the issue. Although all women do not go to Planned Parenthood for women’s services, I think it is strange that the issue is not more popular. Planned Parenthood is a place to get information and services whether it is a first resort or a backup and women everywhere should be aware that funding is under threat. As Lindsay pointed out, Planned Parenthood is a good option for women at school that are away from their regular doctors or do not want to go through their parents’ insurance. She also pointed out that rather than take money away from a service that provides women’s healthcare, we should look for an alternative to help reduce the debt. Though I did not interview her, I did also discuss the issue with my mother. I specifically discussed the fact that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation has stopped supporting Planned Parenthood. My mom has always supported breast cancer research however, after hearing that Komen for the Cure will no longer support Planned Parenthood she has decided that she will no longer donate to that foundation. I agree with this decision and hope that others will become aware of the issue and that we can find away to continue to support Planned Parenthood and reduce the debt in other ways.

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